Monday 5 December 2016


The word mental illness rings a bell of weirdness in the ears of people.Usually when people think of it they think of madness.It comes with stigma tiredness pain and incompleteness.I have met people with varying types of mental illnesses from schizophrenia depression to insanity and they say it is a roller coaster.It makes the person obtuse either in thinking or behavioural patterns.Usually people with mental illness are placed on medication.To my knowledge this meds have varying side effects like dizziness over sleeping weakness weight gain vision blurring teeth pain and even improper hearing.This effects are a challenge for the mentally ill.Activities of daily living like grooming the body feeding and going to work can be difficult during medication.Becos the brain has relapsed the body might not be capable of carrying out this activities hence such a person would be hospitalised.There is a constant struggle to be like normal people for the mentally ill.But if the mentally ill is surrounded by people that care,the illness seem to disappear.Becos it is psychological as well as biological.Supporting the mentally ill while they cant function enables them to recover quickly.Knowing that mental illness can happen to anyone also is important becos it could be hereditry or self inflicted due to lifestyle.

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